At LERIN GROUP, depending on each position, there will be separate suitable standards. However, all members meet the requirements: professional qualifications, aspirations for career development, and a high sense of responsibility and discipline. Managers at the Group are those who have the spirit to fully develop the core values ​​of LERIN GROUP: "Prestige – Conscientiousness – Intellect – Agility – Elite – Humanities", expressing dedication, strong bravery, the spirit of “dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility”, good organizational and management thinking. For senior management positions, recruitment requirements are strict with mandatory standards of professional experience, logical thinking, effective judgment, analysis and problem-solving abilities. Those members have formed a strong team working towards a shared goal - the development of the Group.

LERIN GROUP employees always have enthusiasm, proactiveness and creativity in their work under the guidance of enthusiastic leaders, capable of corporate governance flexibly and methodically, building up the prestige and elite of LERIN GROUP in the market.

Under the leadership of the Group, the people of LERIN GROUP continuously acquire and develop personal values, bringing their own culture. These cultural values ​​are imbued with humanity and discipline; built and nurtured by the intelligence and immense creativity of the staff.

Step by step on the momentum of growth, it is the people of LERIN GROUP who will create good values and hugely contribute to the success of the Group in the future.



LERIN GROUP's human resource management model is a humanity management model, that is, human-centric management, focusing on creating four opportunities for all employees: one is the opportunity to earn money, two is the opportunity to work, three is the opportunity to mature, and four is the opportunity to develop.